03/29/22 — Update: $DOM Utility | Staking Mechanics | $DOM Airdrop

7 min readMar 29, 2022


Dear Recruits,

Time flies, when you’re building and before you know it another month goes by.

We wanted to take this time give you a glimpse of what we’ve been working on and provide some color as to why we’ve taken this route.

Domination Campaign Info Screen.

Domination, being a win-to-earn game with it’s own unique game mechanics and economy has made the development more complicated due to the fact that we’re designing the tokenomics and building a sustainable economy alongside a competitive game.

We’re essentially designing a micro-ecosystem alongside making sure that the game itself is built in a scalable manner.

We’ve had to become economists, game designers, developers, game theorists all rolled up into one team.

Here’s an update on how much we’ve been able to accomplish so far.

Domination Token Design

Priority number one— we don’t want to drop a useless token.

If we wanted to airdrop some shitcoins we could’ve done it a long time ago. As we’ve been thinking through the tokenomics we’ve also been designing the specifics of $DOM’s utility since day one.

Naturally, if a token that we drop has no tangible use-case except speculating that in the future it’ll be more useful, the launch of a token for the sake of launching one serves no real purpose and would create massive downwards selling pressure, therefore making a worthless token lose even more value.

We wanted to make sure the day you receive your long awaited $DOM you could use it immediately within our ecosystem.

Utility 1: Kai Name Change — On-chain Customization v1

Name Your Kai.

A simple but immediate use-case for $DOM will be customizing your Kai’s display name which will be changed on-chain.

Your Kai is your battle armor and primary participation token for Domination so we want holders to be able to inject a part of themselves into their Kais.

This is the first of many changes you’ll be able to apply to your Kai. Even though changing the display name for you Kai may seem insignificant, this is the first implementation of the ability to spend $DOM to customize your Kai’s on-chain data.

We have plenty of more customization and aesthetic upgrade features in-store.

Domination Development Update | Game Staking

Game Registration

We’ve made significant progress in the development of “Player Profiles”.

We’ve completed most of our registration features and additional integrations that we will need for Domination.

Please make sure to register by:

  • Connecting your Discord
  • Connecting your wallet
  • Picking your faction
Profile Stats.
Player Stats.

Staking for $DOM

We’ve spent a ton of time internally deciding which direction we wanted to go with this and after reviewing how other projects were doing this we noticed that there really wasn’t a standard for how staking is designed and there’s a ton of copy and paste in terms of execution.

When designing our staking feature we had a couple of things in mind.

  1. No redundancy: If we’re going to build something we shouldn’t have to build it again later (or at least for a while).
  2. Scalable design: What we build should be reusable and well designed in a way to easily integrate into everything else we plan to build.
  3. Composable: Can we extract our feature into a reusable building-block component for other projects?

Within these parameters we realized that building another basic NFT staking page to drop $DOM would be a temporary throw-away feature without much utility besides allowing members to stake their NFTs to receive tokens.

Since $DOM is going to be a token designed to incentivize participation and competition we’ve decided that we’re actually going to simulate the game’s mechanic with our staking feature.

How to Stake

Each staking period will simulate the registration of participating in a game of Domination, as each game will require every player to stake their Kai for the entirety of the game.

There will be a registration date and timeline for a game of Domination that will last a certain period of time.

These will not be actual games yet, just opportunities to stake your Kais for $DOM token and interact with our game interface.

*NOTE: Just as games will have have an enlistment window to register and stake your Kai for a game before the game becomes locked, so will these staking periods. This means that you will NOT be able to stake your Kai once the registration window closes and the staking period begins.

Game Staking Registration Interface. (Ignore the numbers for now)


  • Name: Domination Game 1 — Secrets of the Old World:
  • Game Length: 2 Weeks
  • Total Pot Size: 500,000 $DOM

Ex. Potential Earnings Per Day:

  • Total Pot Size / Total Registrants / Game Length
  • 500,000 $DOM / 1000 Kais = 500 $DOM/per Kai

Disclaimer: Like participating in a game of Domination, your Kais will be locked during the duration of the staking period.

Staking Registration Period + Campaign Info.

$DOM Liquidity Pool — $DOM Tokenomics

The $DOM token pool supply is projected as follows.

  • Supply: 200,000,000 $DOM
  • Initial Liquidity Pool Supply: 5,000,000 $DOM
  • Initial Liquidity: $50,000 USD Total $DOM+$SOL ($DOM/SOL LP)
  • Initial Liquidity Pools: $DOM/$SOL

Initial Airdrop:

  • 1.5% of supply
  • 3,000,000 $DOM

Participation Allocation:

  • Pre-alpha games: 50%
  • Domination-registered wallets: 15%
  • Faction leaders + 2nd in command: 3%
  • Discord participation/Special Forces/contest winners: 18%
  • Mod-squad: 3%
  • Snapshot 1: 5%
  • Snapshot 2: Diamond hands — 6%

NOTE: These are the initial numbers, a more defined and fully outlined tokenomics post with the rewards/emission schedule, use-cases and distribution will be included in the post coming out later this week. We originally intended to include it here but the information is relatively lengthy so it made sense to parse it out into it’s own document. We will be hosting the $DOM token’s initial liquidity pool offering on our own DEX that we’ve been developing internally.

KAI-DEX (More info coming soon)

$DOM Airdrop

All pre-alpha participants please make sure your faction leaders have your wallets and make sure you’re registered through our official registration screen.

Link ➡️: https://domination.kaizencorps.com/

Here is the distribution of $DOM we’re going to be dropping for the participants of the pre-alpha games of Domination.

Total Airdrop Amount for Pre-Alpha:

  • 1,500,000 $DOM (50% of total airdrop)
  • 375,000 $DOM/per pre-alpha game

Pre-Alpha Game Participant Rewards:

  • 75% of the token allocation per game
  • Participation Pool: 281,250 $DOM

The Participation Pool will be split evenly amongst the pre-alpha participants per game. This means that the less players there were the higher percentage of the pot you’ll receive.


  • Game 1 Participation Pool: 281,250 $DOM
  • With 150 Pre-alpha participants
  • = 281,250 $DOM / 150 Players = 1,875 $DOM

We’ve had 4 total pre-alpha games so if you played in each one you can expect an average of around 1,875 DOM * 4 = 7,500 DOM.

Pre-Alpha Game Winner’s Bonus Pot:

  • 25% of the token allocation per game
  • Winning Faction’s Bonus Pool: 93,750 $DOM


  • Game 1 Winning Faction’s Bonus Pot: 93,750 $DOM
  • 30 Participating members in winning faction
  • 93,750 $DOM / 30 Faction members = 3,125 $DOM/per winning faction member

Disclaimer: The airdrop will be sent in $DOM token and the total is still subject to change. If your faction leader has not confirmed your participation or your wallet is not on the list you will not receive $DOM. It is imperative your check with your faction leader.

💵 Airdrop Bonuses

We’ve always rewarded our community members from day 1. You’ve believed in us and have been nothing but patient and positive since we launched our NFT 3 months ago. We will always prioritize giving back and finding a way to add value to our community.

Therefore, we’ve set aside additional tokens for:

  • Domination-registered wallets: 15% — 450,000 $DOM
  • Discord participation/contest winners: 15% — 450,000 $DOM
  • Faction leaders + 2nd in command: 3% — 90,000 $DOM
  • Special Forces: 3% — 90,000 $DOM
  • Mod-squad: 3% — 90,000 $DOM
  • Snapshot 1: 5% — 150,000 $DOM
  • Snapshot 2 Diamond hands: 6% — 180,000 $DOM

Snapshot 1 to Snapshot 2 Stats:

  • 851 Unique Wallets held since we minted
  • 2057 Kais were untouched and never sold during this period
  • We also took 2 snapshot 👀 — We will reveal when the snapshots were taken once the airdrop is complete

Updated Timeline:

  • Registration — Live
  • First $DOM Airdrop — Next Week (Week of 04/03/2022–04/09/2022)
  • Name Change Feature — Next Week (Week of 04/03/2022–04/09/2022)
  • $DOM Liquidity Pool Live — Week of 04/10/22–04/16/22
  • Staking — 2 wks after launch of $DOM LP (Week of 04/24/22–04/30/22)


It’s always a tough balance to communicate while making sure we deliver on all of our promises. We’ve also had one of our members get hit with Covid really hard which put him out of commission for a couple of weeks.

We’ve still made tremendous progress on hiring and development during this time thanks to our other members stepping up.

Thank you for always supporting us, you the community are the reason why we’re here today.

We can’t wait to show you everything we’ve been building.

— Kaizen Corps Team

Founder: @Hiro__Yuy

Developer: @silostack

Artist: @Hard_Surfaced

Marketer: @Argobolt

Twitter: @KaizenCorpsNFT

Discord: discord.gg/kaizencorps




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