$DOM Tokenomics

5 min readApr 4, 2022


Domination’s Official In-Game Currency.

$DOM is not a typical in-game currency purely used for commerce.

$DOM is the life-blood of Domination that will power not just the in-game economy, but multiple other aspects of the entire Domination platform that we have planned, so we had to think carefully about its design, utility and allocation.

$DOM Token Design

We had 2 primary areas of focus when balancing the reward systems and designing the distribution:

  • A well-balanced sustainable economy (demand)
  • Stable supply

We are releasing $DOM initially with a minted supply with moderated distribution and allocations set on certain guidelines. Those guidelines will be outlined in this post, but we reserve the right to update and make changes as development progresses and we learn new things in order to maintain a balanced and sustainable economy.


$DOM will act as an engine for Domination and the KaizenVerse. We envision four separate sub-economies that will comprise the Domination platform:

Game Economy

  • Rewards — The main distribution mechanism for $DOM.
  • Marketplaces — While Kais will continue to be available on secondary marketplaces, Domination will have an in-game marketplace for non-Kai assets such as individual and faction-owned equipment.
  • Asset Lending — Borrowing and loaning assets will be a big part of the economy. Beyond just loaning Kais, we anticipate inter-faction lending, and faction-to-player dynamics as well.
  • Customization — Besides changing your Kai’s display name there will be many aesthetic and utility based upgrading options for your Kais.

Spectator Economy

Domination is a web-hosted game that’ll scale to games hosting thousands of players simultaneously with a public game board. With lots of $DOM on the line as potential prizes we’ll be providing spectators with the ability to “interact” not “influence” the games that are being played.


  • Engagement — polling, voting
  • Wagering — betting on games and outcomes
  • Faction support — war bonds

Faction Economy

A major part of our token allocation will go towards a faction fund.

  • Faction Funding

We plan to give as much autonomy as possible to factions so they can be independent drivers of innovation. Factions will receive all the necessary tools to function as mini-DAOs, to encourage the exploration of new governance models, new payout and business models, as well as larger platform ideas.

For example: A popular faction with well-known members that are able to garner a large viewership may ask us to develop a very simple ad platform, which they would pay for using their treasury funds, and which we might also pay for using our own faction fund. Future revenue from the ad platform could then be split between the faction and us.

  • Faction Creation

While we currently only have three original factions, DAOs, other NFT projects or even individuals with enough $DOM will be able to spin off their own factions to create a more competitive landscape. They will be required to pay a certain amount of $DOM and confirm a set number of commitments from Kai holders.


Planned supply allocations:

$DOM Token distribution.

Employee Pool — 10.5%

This allocation is for existing and new hires that will be joining the team, as well for funding development of Domination.

Note that the founders will NOT be receiving any of this allocation. All $DOM acquired by the founders will be purchased with their own funds.

Ecosystem/Platform fund — 15%

After the initial full version of Domination is released, we will be working on the creation of the Domination development platform.

Rewards — 38%

This will be the main distribution mechanism for $DOM. We plan for a 4 year distribution schedule, by which point we plan to have figured out a sustainable economy, which will no longer require $DOM to be taken from the initial pool.

Staking — 5%

This allocation is for the staking that will be released in the coming weeks, and is a small “holdover” rewards mechanism until full in-game rewards are implemented.

Airdrop — 1.5%

Read more about the airdrop in our previous post here: ➡️ https://kaizencorps.medium.com/03-29-22-update-dom-utility-staking-mechanics-dom-airdrop-95e56f5fa1dc

LP Rewards — 12%

Rewards for providing liquidity in our aforementioned liquidity pool, mentioned in our previous post.

Faction Treasuries — 3%

This allocation will go to the initial three factions, each getting a 1% allocation. We will be setting up custodial wallets for factions to use until we can set up proper treasuries for them.

Faction Fund — 15%

This is our fund for faction grants and all things faction-related.


Where will be able to trade $DOM token?

We are developing our own DEX (Decentralized Exchange) where anyone with a Solana wallet will be able to trade $SOL or $USDC for $DOM.

When will $DOM token be available?

First airdrop of $DOM is next week (Week of 04/03/2022–04/09/2022). It will be available to trade and purchase when launch the liquidity pool the subsequent week (Week of 04/10/22–04/16/22).

What will be the initial price of $DOM?

We are initially launching the price of the token at $0.005 USD. This price is set by launching with 2.5% of the total supply (5,000,000 $DOM) and $50,000 USD combined value of $DOM and $SOL being allocated to the liquidity pool.

Who qualifies for the airdrop?

We breakdown the %s of the tokens and split to who in our previous post:

➡️ https://kaizencorps.medium.com/03-29-22-update-dom-utility-staking-mechanics-dom-airdrop-95e56f5fa1dc

What can I immediately do with $DOM?

We will be releasing the ability to customize your Kai NFT’s display name amongst other customization features. For plans around $DOM utility read the “Utility” section of this post ⬆️.

Live Document

We consider this a live document, as we receive questions from our community or insights that may impact our tokenomics we will be making edits and adjustments here to keep everyone informed of our plans.

— Kaizen Corps Team

Founder: @Hiro__Yuy

Developer: @silostack

Artist: @Hard_Surfaced

Marketer: @Argobolt

Twitter: @KaizenCorpsNFT

Discord: discord.gg/kaizencorps




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